An Australian company dedicated to redefining steel as a green building material has put its global philosophy into practice on its own site with an easily relocatable two-storey container-based office complex at its million sq m facility at Mayfield Newcastle.

The spacious light-filled 225 sq m multipurpose office development was custom-built by the Modulate Group to provide a durable and practical design for recycling staff of InfraBuild, which is Australia’s only fully vertically-integrated steel manufacturer spanning scrap metal recycling, steel manufacturing and downstream distribution.

National Project Operations Manager at InfraBuild Recycling, David Bowden, says that the Modulate building for Mayfield provided both good design and expected lifespan of up to 25 years before recycling. Quite apart from its steel strength, flexibility, and long-life sustainability, the two-storey office developed in partnership with Modulate stretches the imagination about what is possible with relocatable container-based building technologies, he says.

“We believe the very tough but very comfortable relocatable steel building we refined and customised shows what can be achieved within the scope of well-designed container-based steel buildings.

With a design life up to 25 years heavy use with low maintenance, Modulate designs – including stackable and double-width 4.5m-wide types – can be engineered to cost-effectively meet the repeat-use needs of sectors such as mining, energy, infrastructure, construction, government projects, defence, and water and power utilities.

“When we were looking around for a better building to replace our old and less durable and less easily relocatable offices, we liked the idea of container-based buildings that could stand up to at least 20 years or more in service for a tough industry like ours.”

The entire structure incorporates eight 20ft (6m x 3.5m) shipping containers and two 40ft (12m x 2.4m) shipping containers customised to meet the design brief for a functional, robust and aesthetically pleasing two-storey office complex with a practical design that maximises space, comfort, and convenience, with all insulation and services built-in. In addition to layout flexibility, key sustainability requirements included efficient water management and climate control systems and the ability for the entire structure to be able to be disassembled relocated swiftly and safely as needs changed in the future.

David Bowden says the well-considered relocatable workspaces contained by the two-storey office complex provide a functional and visually appealing workspace for InfraBuild recycling personnel.

“It shows what intelligent design can achieve with steel modules. This new structure is far more versatile, comfortable, and stronger than the old portable it replaces.

“The strength is built into it, so it can comfortably accommodate hard-working crews with all their gear, without having to worry too much about damage. Even if the exterior of the building got a bump from site machinery, it is built to take the knocks without spilling insulation or fracturing services.

“Because we worked closely in partnership on the design and build, the end result is working very well for us in service.
